Why Is My Olive Tree Dropping Leaves

While olive trees are able to grow in nutrient poor soils the locations must be well drained and receive full sun.
Why is my olive tree dropping leaves. Proper care can reduce the risks of olive tree problems. Not the readers olive tree. Because they are fruit bearing and evergreen olive trees need plenty of water. Dropping leaves are often a sign of poor health due to improper care.
Olive scales oleander scales and california red scales frequently attack olive leaves stems and fruit. If the soil is too dry many of the falling leaves will be yellow. Olive lace bugs are sap sucking insects that feed on the underside of leaves resulting in the formation of rusty yellow spots. Olive trees are evergreen so they will constantly lose leaves during the year.
Rabbits birds sheep and cattle all like the taste of olive leaves and new twigs. Of course another reason why a tree would drop leaves is moisture. Olive trees with dry falling leaves may be suffering from water issues or a disease. If the tree gets too dry it should recover when watering resumes.
If the pot has a tray you could put some shingle in the tray and stand the pot back on it. I doubt that your tree put out new branches i think it more likely that the falling leaves just. Olive trees require plenty of bright light. If most of the leaves are green especially if you ve had the tree for several months the soil may be too wet.
Keeping your potted olive tree in a sunny window will help provide adequate light. It is best to let it dry out between waterings rather than keep it damp. Check the soil moisture by testing it with a long stick like a pencil or bamboo kebob skewer as if testing a cake to make sure it s not too wet. But if the tree gets too dry which often happens in the winter when watering is less frequent the leaves will dry out and drop.
Transferring it to a sunny porch or patio during the summer may help enhance its growth and appearance. Olives are not prone to many diseases but there are a few that can cause defoliation and drying leaves.