Olive Tree Allegory Jacob 5

Jacob 5 records four visits of the master to his vineyard as follows.
Olive tree allegory jacob 5. I love what i learn about god as i read the allegory of the olive tree. Jacob 5 and the allegory of the olive tree god s work as the master in the vineyard. The olive tree allegory 14 33. Seeing that the old tame olive tree israel was dying the master pruned and fertilized it see jacob 5 4.
Gentiles those who have not made covenants with the lord. A ces book of mormon film on jacob 5 shows. Jacob 5 is the longest chapter in the book of mormon. In the book of mormon the allegory of the olive tree written by a prophet named zenos and later quoted by the prophet jacob to his people stands out as a unique literary creation worthy of close analysis and greater appreciation.
The scattering and gathering of the lord s covenant people. Dead branches were burned see v. Tame branches were transplanted to the nethermost parts of the vineyard v. In the allegory trees represent people.
They have been selected to illustrate possible connections to the unique and very important book of mormon account of the allegory of the olive tree in jacob 5. The olive tree allegory 1993 youtube. More from taylor. The lord loves them and works to bless and save them even when they continue to produce wild fruit.
Allegory of the olive tree as jacob taught his people he quoted an allegory given by a prophet named zenos see jacob 5 1. What i cherish about this allegory is how god s labor of love is described. God is deliberate with us. The first video segment introduces students to the care of an olive vineyard.
A ces book of mormon film on jacob 5 shows seminary youth caring for trees and teaches the chapter s symbolism. 7 and wild branches gentiles were grafted into the old root tree see vv. With all the planting grafting digging and pruning it s easy to become confused about what s going on. Grafting and planting branches.
An allegory like a parable is a story that uses symbolic characters and familiar objects and actions to teach truths. Later in the allegory natural olive trees become wild representing portions of the house of israel that fall into apostasy. God worked to support and bless the people of the house of israel so that they would be fruitful in righteousness.