Olive Tree Pests And Diseases Australia

There are a couple of pests and diseases that can occur.
Olive tree pests and diseases australia. Keeping olive trees well fed and adequately watered is the best initial defence against pests and diseases since vigorous trees are better able to withstand attack and less likely to suffer long term damage. Once pests are identified ask garden centre staff to recommend suitable control products. Most common diseases and pests in the olive grove. Below are common symptoms of known diseases and disorders of olives in australia with some current suggested management strategies if known.
Scale insects lace bug and peacock spot. Most soft scales often have only one or two generations per year while most armoured scales can have several. Peacock spot spilocaea oleagina also known as olive leaf spot and bird s eye spot peacock spot develops with high humidity and rain. Although not fatal to the tree peacock spot will result in an increase in leaf drop and reduced vitality.
Apart from invertebrate pests and disease causing organisms many other symptoms of. This book originated from a national rirdc funded project on sustainable pest and disease management in the australian olive industry and was one of its major recommendations. Other olive tree diseases are cercospora leaf spot peacock spots and olive anthracnose. Dacus oleae olive fly the olive fly dacus oleae hits mainly the olive trees in the mediterranean region and can diminish the olive production in a few weeks.
It can reduce yields and kill trees if left untreated. Soft scale and armoured scale. Olive moth prays oleae commonly known as olive moth prays oleae bernard 1788. Prays oleae is a pest synchronized perfectly with the olive.
There are two types of scale insects that attack olive trees in australia. One problem that can occur is peacock spot. Dacus oleae is actually a small fly that is only fed by olives. The main pests and diseases affecting olives trees in australia are.
Treatment of pests and diseases are always more successful when done in the earliest stage of. Olive lace bug s native range was restricted to eastern australia where it was common in queensland and new south wales but is now recorded in all states except the northern territory. For a comprehensive review and ofolive pest and diseases including treatment options click on the image of the pest or disease you would like to learn more about. The main symptom is dark spots that appear in the flesh of the olive fruit.
Olive lace bug is considered a serious threat to the olive industry in victoria.