Olive Tree Fungal Diseases

Olive knot is a bacterial disease caused by pseudomonas syringae pv savastanoi.
Olive tree fungal diseases. The main diseases that usually affect olive trees are peacock spots. Its technical name is cycloconium oleaginym cas since this disease is caused by the fungus cycloconium oleaginum. The fungus verticillium dahliae is responsible for verticillium wilt. It causes sooty mold like symptoms on the underside of the leaves yellowing and leaf drop without leaf spots.
It develops under similar conditions as peacock spot. Treatment is comparable to the peacock spot s one. Verticillium is a very serious fungal disease caused by verticillium dahliae. Rhizoctonia has been consistently recovered from browned and rotted roots of.
Diplodiae fungus is. Olive knot disease and more recently the dreaded xylella fastidiosa. The infection then spreads to the other parts of the tree root system and after a few years it may result in the death of the tree. Cercospora leaf spot is a fungal foliar disease caused by mycocentrospora cladosporioides that can affect olive trees.
Other diseases of the olive tree are caused by fungi is the case of olive peacock spot anthracnose verticillium bacterium can also cause significant damage to the olive tree. One of the most characteristic symptoms is the appearance of black grey or dark circular spots on the surface of the leaf. Stem cankers botryosphaeria sp. Olive tree disease verticillium wilt.
It is generally found on. The fungus survives in the soil.