Olive Tree And Jesus

Of course the image of throwing a mountain into the sea is figurative for something that is humanly impossible zec 4 7.
Olive tree and jesus. Then it concludes with jesus s prayer which precedes the arrest. It is not mere coincidence that christ s agonized prayer just before his arrest occured in gethsemane a place of many olive trees and whose name means olive press. In essence jesus christ is god s olive tree and the holy spirit his olive oil. Jerusalem olive trees linked to christ s time experts claim olive trees in the garden of gethsemane come from cuttings of a tree dating back to when jesus is believed to have prayed on the hill in.
The olive tree is very prominent in israel and in the writings of sacred scripture. The transplanted branches represent scattered israel including the house of lehi in the new world giving rise to both good and bad fruits. Christians are a saved people and continue to be a saved people. When pressed with extreme pressure olive oil oozes out of the pores of olives in blood red droplets.
He was crushed for our iniquities isaiah 53 5. Olive oils are extracted from olives when they are pressed and jesus was hard pressed in a garden of olives which are pressed or crushed to produce oil. Since jesus was standing on the mount of olives from which the dead sea can be seen on a clear day he may have been referring specifically to that mountain. The olive tree was central to the economy in bible times.
In the upper room jesus now turns to his faithful followers and instructs them at some length. And it is the lord jesus who is central to the christian life and the tree of calvary that is indispensable for our eternal salvation. In this same way jesus was pierced for our transgressions. When israel conquered canaan under the leading of joshua the olive tree was a prominent feature among the flora of the land.
The wild olive branches grafted in to the original tree represent the preaching of the gospel of christ to gentile nations and their conversion or baptism into the church of christ.