Does The Olive Tree Represent Israel

The good olive tree represents israel the wild olive tree the gentiles.
Does the olive tree represent israel. Furthermore the olive tree is the commonwealth of israel because gentiles who have been attached grafted in to the olive tree owe allegiance to israel s book the bible israel s god and israel s messiah. When israel conquered canaan under the leading of joshua the olive tree was a prominent feature among the flora of the land. Watching the lord s hand at work in blooming the desert providing economic growth in the promised land and producing peace is truly humbling. It is mentioned frequently in the bible in the context of blessings fruitfulness and health.
Since the earliest practices of the temple the olive branch and tree have been incorporated into the temple s interior and exterior and came to represent israel herself. These are god s people jew and gentile in one tree fulfilling that prophesy of the deliverer taking away the sins of israel. The olive tree s emblem of peace speaks volumes to those who are exposed to it. At my olive tree the symbolism of olive trees run deep within our hearts.
But due to unbelief rebellion stumbling transgression god broke off national israel the natural branches from the tree and grafted gentiles the wild branches into the place of blessing rom 11 17. Here are some specific examples of ways the symbolism of the olive tree is represented in the jewish faith. The land was describes as a land of wheat and barley of vines and fig trees and pomegranates a land of olive oil and honey. The olive tree is mentioned frequently in the bible from as early as the time of the flood when the dove from the ark brought an olive branch back to noah to revelation 11 4 where the two witnesses are represented as two olive trees.
So the olive tree can neither represent the political nation of israel nor the new testament indivisible church. The olive tree is very prominent in israel and in the writings of sacred scripture. It is similar to the british commonwealth in which the people of canada and australia are not actually citizens of england but owe allegiance to the queen and have a special relationship with the. The olive tree the dove that returned to the ark brought for an olive leaf signaling the earth had come back to life again.
It signifies the covenanted congregation of israel made up of both jew and gentile. The olive is one of the seven species with which the land was blessed. The olive tree is a symbol of many values in jewish life. As such olive trees appear in the emblems of both the state of israel as well as the israeli defense forces idf.
The main root is abraham the other two are isaac and jacob. The olive tree including its hebraic association represents the place of blessing in god s plan for mankind. The olive tree has also been used as a motif in many works of art and in jewish culture throughout history. The olive tree which has been an important component of jewish and israeli culture throughout history has become a symbol of many values in jewish life.