Do Olive Trees Lose Their Leaves In Winter

On the other hand we have all seen that the olive trees do not cast off their leaves in the win ter.
Do olive trees lose their leaves in winter. If olive trees are not under environmental stress and lose leaves they are sick probably infected by insects or other harmful organisms. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in winterdeciduous trees lose there leaves in the autum most. However all evergreen trees constantly renew their leaves meaning they gradually drop all of their leaves and produce new ones throughout a period of 6 14 months. Usually olive trees are evergreen.
No olive trees are evergreen and they do not lose their leaves in winter. What kind of trees lose their leaves all winter. Olive trees are evergreen so shouldn t shed their leaves though they might if they dry out in summer and then regrow again when conditions improve. Yes they do lose their leaves in the winter.
On the con trary these grad u ally and nat u rally fall when they turn yel low on reach ing the age of two or three years old. But in certain areas where there are seasonal rainfall periods olive trees might shed some leaves in periods of prolonged drought and heat.